Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Final thoughts

Project 3 I can say was certainly a challenge. I had worked with circuits before but I still had very little experience in electronics and using arduino was new to me so trying to get my head around it in such little time was overwhelming. During my project I had my share of ups and downs, one of my down time was when I kept trying the ultrasonic motion detector and it repeatedly produced inconsistent results, in opposite to that one of my up lifting moments was when my circuit worked as planned because the infrared motion detectors were a success.  
I have found out some intriguing stuff regarding how cigarette butts are harmful to the environment also that they are in fact recyclable and butts can be used to prevent steel corrosion.
I have learnt a different way to approach future projects if it's relevant of course :) Arduino is a great bit of electronic and I am pleased it was introduced because I probably wouldn't have used it otherwise.
I am fairly satisfied with the outcome (The Baha Butt Bin) but fairly because I know there is always room for improvements :) The prototype was working and I can certainly see potential in it.
The presentation also went well although there was more I planned to say but didn't, oh well they do say short & sweet is good:)

Juliet and John's query where both regarding what could be done differently... so if I was making the bin to be mass produced lets say :) what would I change about my prototype?...
So I'd change the material as its made from MDF wood I would perhaps used steel or aluminium, also the circuit would need to be housed so it's kept away from butts but most importantly any lit butts that aren't stubbed out properly.
John asked why I didn't use a heat sensor instead of a motion sensor because people could play around with it for the attraction if it's just a matter of detecting motion, however if I used a heat sensor heat would have to be applied to trigger the attraction. I didn't have a reason for not using heat sensor instead in fact I looked at heat sensors early in my project briefly so heat sensor would be a better idea for improving quality of use.
Also the wires in the circuit had a tendency to pop out which stopped the flow and irritated me so I taped them down with small bits of duck tape, however in the real world this wouldn't do and so Pete suggested the possibility of soldering to stop the wires popping out, this is therefore a process I could use in further development.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Take 3 ;)


lol after a few attempts of shooting this scene, I decided I would pack up for the night but I wasn't entirely satisfied :) so I decided I would shoot another video to please ma self.

A Target Location

As you can see cigarette butts are being thrown on the ground in this area an awful lot, the littering of cigarette butts is what I want to try and reduce, therefore this could be a location for my potential butt bin.

Monday, 13 February 2012

The set up

Arduino Code:
 Reads an analog input on pin 0, prints the result to the serial monitor

 This example code is in the public domain.

void setup() {
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  int sensorA = analogRead(A0);
  int sensorB = analogRead(A1);
  int sensorC = analogRead(A2);
  if(sensorA < 600 || sensorB < 600 || sensorC < 600){
    digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(3, LOW);
    Serial.println(" ");

Remember this little guy that I cut open before I stitched him back up he’s almost as good as new. J

He's been connected to the circuited so when a cigarette butt is thrown into the but bin his job is to dance and sing.

I originally planned to add a casino jackpot sound to an audio device which would have been the sound to activate the above moving object however Juliet and others liked the song the toy already sang, so I was happy to go a long with using its original features, I reckon it seemed more fun than the casino jackpot sound anyway. 
To be honest I'm more pleased the circuit works. J

Brief Overview

I'll be using infrared motion detectors, resistors are typically added to reduce the flow of current in the circuit, an arduino board, a bred board, a sound activated object and a mosfet used to switch the current in the toy on/off.

Modified user experience:

Flow chart


Friday, 10 February 2012

Infrared Motion Detector / soldering

So Pete suggested I use infrared motion detectors now as they would work better for me. I  had to put a few of these together by soldering.

Easy once i got the hang of it J

Cut & Explore

I decided to cut open a sound activated toy as I wanted to figure out how it worked and see if it could be connected to an arduino for the purpose of my butt bin system.

I first saw the speaker  on the interior front of the toy.

The yellow wiring clearly leads to the inside of the main body part but I couldn't take that bit apart without destroying the figure.
There was a button hidden inside a bit of fabric on the opposite end of the wiring I cut it open revealing the on/off button.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Inconsistent result


I played with an ultrasonic motion detector that had been set up on arduino – I dropped a cigarette butt into the holes of the prototype I made - the motion detector picked up on this motion inconsistently, I changed the variable on arduino for different results, but it remained inconsistent and so Pete said we could try to find a different sensor that works better. 

He also suggested I make a different butt bin with closer and smaller cig holes this too could possibly produce a better result.
I thought this wouldn’t be such a bad idea because when I had asked a smoker why some smokers dropped their butts on the ground she said, “ it’s not that you want to, but there isn’t enough bins around” and so I thought if I designed another bin it could potentially be a prototype for a mass production to solve this problem J (I can dream right) lol

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Smoking Ban in public parks...

Referring back to the smoker that said she only threw cigarette butts on the ground because it's difficult to find any bins or astray in public places now.
Because of new laws and establishments banning smoking, bins are not provided therefore cigarette butt littering is bound to increase.
Below is an article on the potential ban of smoking in public parks and cars.

Smoking may be banned in public parks and cars in new 'zero-tolerance' zones By SAM GREENHILL 
Last updated at 9:09 AM on 8th August 2011
The ban on smoking in public places is set to be extended to parks and cars.
It emerged yesterday that local councils are planning to use new laws to create ‘zero-tolerance’ zones similar to those in some parts of America.
It would be the first time smoking outdoors has been banned in Britain.
Smoking: This image could become a thing of the past if a proposed ban on lighting up in parks goes through
Smoking: This image could become a thing of the past if a proposed ban on lighting up in parks goes through

Smokers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have been outlawed from lighting up in indoor public places since 2007, and in Scotland since 2006. 
The sight of people puffing cigarettes outside office buildings and pubs, and in public parks, has become commonplace.
Now, under the Government’s Localism Bill, designed to shift power to communities and councils, the ban will be extended in areas where residents want it. Councils and NHS trusts are targeting places such as play parks to make ‘smoking history for our children’.

    Some councils, including Warrington in Cheshire and Stony Stratford, near Milton Keynes, are planning to outlaw smoking in cars carrying children.
    Stony Stratford councillor Paul Bartlett said the campaign had the support of senior members of the town council, but would need the approval of Milton Keynes Council.
    Mr Bartlett, 50, is also pushing for a new bylaw to outlaw smoking in any open place or public street in Stony Stratford.
    Smoke-free soon? London's Green Park (pictured) could be among the public spaces heading for a ban
    Smoke-free soon? London's Green Park (pictured) could be among the public spaces heading for a ban
    The proposal comes after the mayor of New York banned smoking from parks and beaches in the city earlier this year. Bill Wearing, head of health and wellbeing at Cumbria Council, another authority considering a ban, said: ‘No one wants to see anyone smoking near children’s play areas. It is getting to a stage where people think it is socially unacceptable in parks. 
    ‘Once it becomes socially unacceptable, it becomes a lot easier to bring in laws.’ 
    In spite of the ban, one in three people in some areas of the country still smoke.
    Andrea Crossfield of Smokefree North West said she was helping local councils to use legislation to introduce enforceable bans.
    In the South-West, there are already ‘voluntary’ smoking bans in some children’s parks.
    A spokesman for Forest, the smokers’ lobby group, said: ‘It is a completely unnecessary intrusion into people’s lives.’

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2023386/Smoking-banned-public-parks-cars.html#ixzz1nb8pK5Pt

    Tuesday, 7 February 2012

    My mini butt bin, work in progress

    I decided I would make a mini prototype of an existing butt bin this was so I could play around position where I could place the motion detector, audio device and other equipment  also made it to gain a more realistic view on user experience.

    Sound Activated

    As I plan to use a sound activated object in my project I looked at some sound sensitive toys.

    Shar-Pei Dog Doll - Sensitive reaction to any voice or sound

    My Keepon
    Cool =^.^= I like it

    Monday, 6 February 2012

    Modified idea

    I changed my idea a little due to the time I have to finish the project. Pete advised me to stick to one thing, either have an LED light system or an audio device one.
    So my original idea was to use both, I’ve now decided to use the audio device.

    I quite liked the idea of adding my changes to an original butt bin so the additions would be even more unexpected for users who just expects a caj experience. 
    So I went out to find butt bin’s I could use & in different locations.... 

    Some Smokers Say...

    "Well, everyone else does it."
    "it's a habit"
    "microscopic item, nobody is complaining about people throwing gum"

    So from doing my own little research i've found that some smokers don't necessarily want to throw their cigarette butts on the ground but due to circumstance i.e. the shortage of butt bins, they feel they have no option (in this case a cigarette stubbi would come in handy).

    Sunday, 5 February 2012

    Looking at different types of motion detectors

    The Types of Motion Detectors
       Motion sensors are commonly used in security systems as triggers for automatic lights or trips for remote alarms. Motion sensors work based on a wide variety of conceptual ideas. Some operate in much the same way as a military radar scanner, while others work based upon vibration, infrared radiation and even sound. All of these different types of motion sensors have different strengths and weaknesses, which are important to take into account when making a decision. 

    Active Infrared Motion Detectors
        Active infrared (IR) motion detectors operate in conjunction with a radiation source. They are able to sense disruptions in the radiation that they receive, usually caused by an intruder's body heat. In order to sense an intruder, therefore, the intruder must pass through the field generated by the radiation source. 

    Passive Infrared Motion Detectors
        Passive infrared (PIR) motion detectors operate from the same general principle as active infrared motion detectors, but they do not require a radiation source. Instead, they are able to sense changes in the surrounding area's ambient infrared radiation. Usually, PIR motion detectors have several different motion-sensing components, such as both an infrared sensor and a heat sensor. PIR detectors are the most widely used type of motion sensor. 

    Continuous Wave Radar Motion Detectors
        Continuous wave radar (CW) motion detectors work through the use of microwave signals. These signals emit frequencies that bounce off of the objects in the surrounding area. The detector is then able to track disturbances in these frequencies. These detectors are more sensitive than PIR detectors, and therefore usually cost more. These types of detectors usually use microwave oscillators, detector diodes and audio-frequency processing electronics to accomplish this task. They work on the same basic principle as military radars. 

    Ultrasonic Motion Detectors
        Ultrasonic motion detectors operate by tracking changes in sound frequency. The detector emits a sound frequency in waves that sweep across the space that the detector is monitoring. When the wave encounters an object, its frequency is disrupted and the alarm in set off. These detectors are used in automatic doors and security alarms due to their ease of installation and reliability. 

    Vibration Sensors
        Vibration sensors use piezoelectric technology in order to detect the movements of objects around them. The piezoelectric effect was discovered by Jacques and Pierre Curie in the 1800s. They found that certain materials have the ability to change mechanical pressure into electrical output. In other words, they generate an electrical field. 

    A motion detector attached to a garage

    Wednesday, 1 February 2012

    I think I've got it :)

    A cigarette butt bin that detects motion so as someone throws butt into the opening, a sensor detects hand, an LED light which reads 'Thank you' is then activated I was also thinking to use an audio device for a soft drop sound. 

    INPUT - Motion detector
    PROCESS - Detector detects motion 
    OUTPUT - LED light's and audio sound activated

    Heat Sensors

    After a discussion with Tony in preparation for a talk with Pete regarding ideas for projects I briefly looked at heat sensitive surfaces and sensors. 
    I was thinking I could use a heat sensor in my project - so when a cigarette is stubbed out on a potential plate at the top of a butt bin, the heat would be detected by the sensor which would then triggered/activate a driver motor.

    I looked at thermochromism - the ability of substance to change color due to a change in temperature.
    Thermochromic coating could be used to wrap the plate; when the cigarette is stubbed out the coating becomes transparent as it’s heated, it reveals a potential design beneath.
    Because both the coating is black and the design background is black in the process, it gives the impression that the design is appearing, rather than the coating disappearing.
    Colour and movement would be the attraction in my project in this case.

    Contact heat Sensors thermocouples sensors is in the group of contact heat sensors, other sensors in this group includes Resistance – RTDs & PRTs & SPRTs, Thermistors, Labels & Crayons & Paints (Phase Change Devices), Glass Thermometers (LIG), Filled Systems Thermometers, Bimetallic Thermometers (Bimetal), Semiconductor Thermometers (Integrated Circuits or ICs & Diodes), Liquid Crystal, Thermowells.

    Non Contact Heat Sensor Is the other group most commercial and scientific noncontact temperature sensors measure the thermal radiant power of the Infrared or Optical radiation that they receive from a known or calculated area on its surface, or a known or calculated volume within it.